We are shooting a TV commercial in early December and are looking for real life gym goers, ideally fitness models.

We're looking to cast a mixed group of athletic and healthy, 25-40 year olds with great physiques. A mixture of men and women from an authentic blend of London ethnicities. We are looking to create a sporty vibe and team spirit.

If you perceive yourself as a 'fitness model' please apply ASAP. Ideally you will have a profile of fitness pictures on your profile.

Please have FITNESS pictures on your profile - these are ones of you in SPORTSWEAR.

This is an OPEN POST, so anyone can apply. if you are a subscribed member or you have a profile already you will be able to apply for this job post.

If you do not have a profile with us, not a problem, at all. All you need to do is follow the below instructions:

Copy and paste this link into a new web page:


This will allow you to create a profile, please add your photos to it and complete the profile as much as possible. Please then make sure you APPLY for this job post. So you'll need to find it on the jobs page and APPLY.

You MUST apply for the job AFTER creating a profile if you are new to the Talent Talks website.


  • Location: London
  • Payment: £225 + Buyout
    Check Commission Rates
  • Job category: TVC
  • Age: 25-40
  • Shoot Date: 01/12/2015
  • Posted: N/A

How To Apply

  • Deadline 01/12/2015

This is an open posting

Create a New Free Profile or Apply For This Job

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